Carolina Flare at White Marlin Open
All that glorious Carolina Flare at the White Marlin Open! This video is the best clips of sportfishing boats with Carolina style hulls during the fishing tournament.
Carolina Style Sportfishing baots in this Video:
00:04 Custom 56 BACKLASH
00:45 Dean Johnson Custom 57 TROUBLEMAKER
01:31 Titan Yachts 62 CRISDEL
02:25 Caison Yachts 64 BLOOD MONEY
03:05 Jarrett Bay Boatworks 64 BUILDER’S CHOICE
03:42 Ritchie Howell Custom 60 BLUE RUNNER
04:11 Bayliss Boatworks 60 MAMA C
04:29 Dean Johnson Custom 57 HYDROSPHERE
04:52 Spencer Yachts 62 SHOWTIME
05:06 Paul Mann Custom Boats 60 REEL TIGHT
05:26 Spencer Yachts JERSEY NUTZ
05:48 Gillikan Custom 58 TALKIN TRASH
06:16 Blackwell Boatworks 54 PRIMARY SEARCH
06:35 Buddy Davis Yachts 47 THE ZIPPER
06:57 Alex Willis CUstom 44 SCHEDULE SEA
07:19 Ritchie Howell Custom 58 MARLI
08:00 Taylor Harrison Custom 60 RHONDA’S OSPREY
08:21 Jarrett Bay Boatworks 61 SEA STRIKER
08:52 Buddy Cannady CUstom 55 SKIRT CHASER
09:04 Bobby Croswait Custom 57 FULL PULL
09:34 B&B Boatworks 60 MORE BILLS
09:57 Ocean Yachts 53 GRANDE PEZ
10:20 Island Boatworks 57 SUSHI
10:36 Buddy Davis Yachts Center Console
10:51 Calyber Boatworks 35 Express CATCHIN’ GRIEF
11:12 Spencer Yachts 60 ELECTRIC BILLS